Friday, January 14, 2011

What are your thoughts on Ramapo College (NJ) and The College of New Jersey

What are your thoughts on Ramapo College (NJ) and The College of New Jersey?
Please give details!!! (Positive and negative info) Also, do they have a good nursing program? And are they party schools? Thanks! :) haha lot's of questions...sorry :) Thanks! That's really helpful...yeah, I was asking about the partying because I'm actually trying to steer clear of party schools (although I know that all schools do some partying of their own, I just wanted to make sure it's not out of control at those schools)...
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
Never been to Ramapo, don't know much about it, but I'm a TCNJ student. I can tell you that TCNJ has an excellent nursing program, and that many nursing majors there are some of the biggest party people on campus come the weekend lol. But take that with a grain of salt, because any school is what you make of it. If you're looking for parties they aren't hard to find, and if you prefer to stay out of that scene it's quite easy to do that also. I tried it out a bit freshman year and didn't like it so much, and there's still plenty to do on campus besides. But I would have you keep these things in mind concerning parties if that's what you're looking for: 1- Most incoming students don't know that if there's alcohol or drugs in a room that you're in, your name will be taken down with everyone else's (or if campus police show up you're just flat out in trouble), whether you appear to be participating or not. So if you plan to party, know you've chosen to take that risk. As far as I can tell that's true of any school you choose. If you do find yourself in a situation where people have been caught partying in a way that breaks policy, the best thing to do is be calm, cooperative, and honest. And usually it works out much better for the people who are. 2- Your friends most likely won't be expelled for drinking if they get really sick and you call for help. I've never heard of it happening. What does happen, however, is people get scared and decide to keep it hush-hush when someone is clearly suffering from signs of alcohol poisoning (passing out, throwing up, etc.). It's not worth keeping quiet, because they could really need help that night! 3- Do NOT get rides to frat parties from brothers! You can't tell which drivers really have not been drinking, and it's not worth it. I once got back to campus in a fraternity's designated driver's car, only to find four empty beer bottles on the floor in front of the passenger seat. You don't know these people, and they're bringing you to the party because they want 1- money from guys and 2- sex from girls. If you really are set on going, go with friends, not random rides from the loop (you'll know what the loop is if you go to TCNJ). But again, if you prefer to steer clear of the party scene that's (a great decision) not difficult at all! It's a great campus and I think you'd really like it there! Any more questions?

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